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Yann Andrea Steiner读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 109页 2006 Archipelago Books
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 15.00 2006-07-01 … 2022-06-23 … 70
Marguerite Duras      ISBN:9780976395089    原作名/别名:《》
Yann Andrea Steiner摘要

"Duras manages to combine the seemingly irreconcilable perspectives of confession and objectivity, of lyrical poetry and nouveau roman. The sentences lodge themselves slowly in the reader's mind until they detonate with all the force of fused feeling and thought-the force of a metaphysical contemplation of the paradoxes of the human heart."-The New York Times Book Review (for The Lover)

Yann Andrea Steiner is a haunting dance between two parallel loves; the love between Marguerite Duras and the young Yann Andrea, and a love witnessed (or imagined) through the narrator's window-a seaside romance between a camp counselor and a camper. The summer of 1980 flows into 1944 in this enigmatic journey through history, creation, and raw emotion.

The daughter of French schoolteachers, Marguerite Duras (1914-1996) was born in Vietnam. At 17 she moved to France where she studied law and politics. She is the author of a great many novels, plays, films, and short narratives, including her internationally best-selling, ostensibly autobiographical work, The Lover (1984).


玛格丽特·杜拉斯(1014-1996)是法国当代最著名的女小说家、剧作家和电影艺术家。她于1914年4月4日出生在越南嘉定,父母都是小学教师。她四岁丧父,童年的苦难和母亲的悲惨命运影响了她的一生。 杜拉斯十八岁时来到巴黎求学,获巴黎大学法学学士和政治学学士学位,从1935年到1941年在法国移民部担任秘书,并与罗贝尔·安泰尔姆结婚。在第二次世界大战期间,安泰尔姆曾被关进集中营,后来他娶莫尼克为妻,直到1990年去世。


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