Just Start 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Just Start读书介绍

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书籍 200页 2012 Perseus
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$ 30.51 2012-03-01 … 2022-09-01 … 35
Schlesinger, Leonard A.; Kiefer, Charles F.; Brown, Paul B.      ISBN:9781422143612    原作名/别名:《》
Just Start摘要

Babson College president provides a simple, systematic, and research-based method - identical to the one taught at Babson - for achieving success in an uncertain world. In a world where you can no longer plan or predict your way to success, what is the best way to achieve your goals? It's a daunting question, but today - when change seems to be the only constant - it's one that everyone, from entrepreneurs and managers to newly minted grads, must resolve. The simple answer, say the authors of "Just Start": you must act. And then go from there. Written by a trio of seasoned business leaders - Babson College President Leonard Schlesinger, organization learning expert Charles Kiefer, and veteran journalist and author Paul B. Brown - "Just Start" draws both from academic research and proven practices in organizations to lay out a simple yet reliable method for moving forward on anything when you are faced with volatility. The key, say the authors, is not only to think differently (much like an entrepreneur would), but to then put that thinking into immediate action to see if you are right. They also explain how "smart steps" can help move you forward on your path of acting, learning from that action, and building off that learning to create a productive cycle of iteration. Building on an earlier version of the idea embraced by thousands of people to date, "Just Start" is a proven method to help you achieve your goals - whether you are starting a new project at the office, starting your own company, or starting a new career. About the authors: Leonard A. Schlesinger is the 12th president of Babson College, widely recognized as the world's leading educational institution for Entrepreneurship; and formerly served as vice chairman and chief operating officer of Limited Brands. Charles F. Kiefer is president of Innovation Associates and a regular advisor to global companies on leveraging the human side of their enterprises. Journalist Paul B. Brown is a long-time contributor to "The New York Times" and a former writer and editor for "Business Week", "Financial World", "Forbes", and "Inc".


纳德•A.施莱辛格,美国百森商学院第12任院长,曾任美国有限品牌(Limited Brands)公司副总裁和运营总监。其曾在哈佛商学院任教职20年,拥有哈佛商学院博士学位、哥伦比亚大学硕士学位、布朗大学学士学位。


保罗•B.布朗,曾长期任职于《纽约时报》(New York Times),曾是美国《商业周刊》(Business Week)、《金融界》(Financial World)、《福布斯》(Forbes)、《公司》(Inc.)等杂志的作者和编辑。其拥有美国罗格斯大学艺术学士学位和法律博士学位。

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