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The Royal Society读书介绍

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书籍 240页 2019 Basic Books
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 25.00 2019-06-04 … 2020-06-14 … 92
Adrian Tinniswood      ISBN:9781541673588    原作名/别名:《》
The Royal Society摘要

The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge has been at the forefront of scientific endeavour for more than 350 years, since receiving its royal charter from Charles II in 1662. Philosophical Transactions, published in 1665, established the concepts of scientific priority and peer review and is the oldest scientific journal in continuous publication in the world. The 8,000 fellows elected to the Society to date include all of the scientific leading lights of the last four centuries, including Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Tim Berners-Lee and Stephen Hawking.

The Society's motto, nullius in verba, 'on the word of no one', is a reminder of its founders' belief that authority must always be questioned; hypotheses can never be taken for granted; truths must be demonstrated or they are not truths at all. Adrian Tinniswood examines why the Royal Society has been such a pivotal institution in the cultural life of Britain and the world.


阿德里安·泰尼斯伍德(Adrian Tinniswood)

生于1954年,作家、历史学家,英国白金汉大学历史系高级研究员,巴斯泉大学文化遗产专业访问学者。他在南安普顿大学进修了英语文学和哲学,并在兰开斯特大学获得硕士学位。目前他已经撰写了16本著作,其中《韦尔内家族》(The Verneys)曾获塞缪尔·约翰逊奖提名。2013年,他因在遗产保护方面的突出贡献被授予“大英帝国官员勋章”。

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