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Time Matters读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 296页 2020 University Of Chicago Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 81.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-07-08 … 14
Andrew Abbott      ISBN:9780226001029    原作名/别名:《》
Time Matters摘要

Andrew Abbott is the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Sociology and the College at the University of Chciago. Abbott took his BA (in history and literature) at Harvard in 1970 and his PhD (in sociology) from Chicago in 1982. Prior to his return to Chicago in 1991, he taught for thirteen years at Rutgers University.

Known for ...


Andrew Abbott is the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Sociology and the College at the University of Chciago. Abbott took his BA (in history and literature) at Harvard in 1970 and his PhD (in sociology) from Chicago in 1982. Prior to his return to Chicago in 1991, he taught for thirteen years at Rutgers University.

Known for his ecological theories of occupations, Abbott has also pioneered algorithmic analysis of social sequence data. He has written on the foundations of social science methodology and on the history of the social sciences and the academic system. He is the author of four books and fifty articles and chapters.

His major work includes The System of Professions (Chicago 1988), a theoretical analysis of the professions and their development that won the ASA's Sorokin Award in 1991. His recent books include an extensive historical study of academic disciplines and publication (Department and Discipline [Chicago, 1999]) and a theoretical analysis of fractal patterns in social and cultural structures (Chaos of Disciplines [Chicago 2001]). He has also published a collection of theoretical and methodological essays in the Chicago pragmatist and ecological tradition (Time Matters [Chicago 2001]). He is currently writing a short textbook of social science heuristics (Methods of Discovery, for W. W. Norton) and a book of general social theory, Time and Social Structure. He is also developing a major theoretical and empirical project on the life course.

An active teacher, Abbott has served on or chaired 53 dissertation committees. He served from 1993 to 1996 as Master of Chicago's Social Science Collegiate Division, and Chair of the Department of Sociology from 1999-2002. He has also edited Work and Occupations (1991-1994) and the American Journal of Sociology (2000- ). He is the incoming President of the Social Science History Association (2002/3).

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