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Rethinking Narcissism读书介绍

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书籍 256页 2020 Harper Wave
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
2020-02-20 … 2020-07-17 … 5
Dr. Craig Malkin      ISBN:9780062348104    原作名/别名:《》
Rethinking Narcissism摘要

Harvard Medical School psychologist and Huffington Post blogger Craig Malkin addresses the "narcissism epidemic," by illuminating the spectrum of narcissism, identifying ways to control the trait, and explaining how too little of it may be a bad thing.

"What is narcissism?" is one of the fastest rising searches on Google, and articles on the topic routinely go viral. Yet, the word "narcissist" seems to mean something different every time it's uttered. People hurl the word as insult at anyone who offends them. It's become so ubiquitous, in fact, that it's lost any clear meaning. The only certainty these days is that it's bad to be a narcissist—really bad—inspiring the same kind of roiling queasiness we feel when we hear the words sexist or racist. That's especially troubling news for millennials, the people born after 1980, who've been branded the "most narcissistic generation ever."

In Rethinking Narcissism readers will learn that there's far more to narcissism than its reductive invective would imply. The truth is that we all fall on a spectrum somewhere between utter selflessness on the one side, and arrogance and grandiosity on the other. A healthy middle exhibits a strong sense of self. On the far end lies sociopathy. Malkin deconstructs healthy from unhealthy narcissism and offers clear, step-by-step guidance on how to promote healthy narcissism in our partners, our children, and ourselves.


Dr. Craig Malkin is an author, clinical psychologist, and Instructor of Psychology for Harvard Medical School with two decades of experience helping individuals, couples, and families. His articles, advice and insights on relationships have appeared in Time, Psychology Today, Marie Claire, and Women's and Men's Health Magazines and at The Huffington Post. He's been a featured c...

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