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The Hedge Fund Mirage读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 208页 2020 John Wiley & Sons
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
GBP 27.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-08-30 … 93
Simon A. Lack      ISBN:9781118164310    原作名/别名:《》
The Hedge Fund Mirage摘要

Product Description

The dismal truth about hedge funds and how investors can get a greater share of the profits

Shocking but true: if all the money that's ever been invested in hedge funds had been in treasury bills, the results would have been twice as good.

Although hedge fund managers have earned some great fortunes, investors as a group have done quite poorly, particularly in recent years. Plagued by high fees, complex legal structures, poor disclosure, and return chasing, investors confront surprisingly meager results. Drawing on an insider's view of industry growth during the 1990s, a time when hedge fund investors did well in part because there were relatively few of them, The Hedge Fund Mirage chronicles the early days of hedge fund investing before institutions got into the game and goes on to describe the seeding business, a specialized area in which investors provide venture capital-type funding to promising but undiscovered hedge funds. Today's investors need to do better, and this book highlights the many subtle and not-so-subtle ways that the returns and risks are biased in favor of the hedge fund manager, and how investors and allocators can redress the imbalance.

The surprising frequency of fraud, highlighted with several examples that the author was able to avoid through solid due diligence, industry contacts, and some luck

Why new and emerging hedge fund managers are where generally better returns are to be found, because most capital invested is steered towards apparently safer but less profitable large, established funds rather than smaller managers that evoke the more profitable 1990s

Hedge fund investors have had it hard in recent years, but The Hedge Fund Mirage is here to change that, by turning the tables on conventional wisdom and putting the hedge fund investor back on top.


西蒙•拉克(Simon Lack)

在摩根大通(JP Morgan)工作了23年,为摩根大通投资委员会的成员,向对冲基金经理分配了超过10亿美元的资金,并创建了摩根大通培育基金,该基金作为私募股权投资工具,专门投资新的对冲基金的股权。


于2009年自摩根大通退休,现经营SL Advisors投资顾问公司,为他自己和客户进行策略性投资。

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