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MFC Internals读书介绍

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书籍 560页 2020 Addison-Wesley Professional
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USD 64.99 2020-02-20 … 2021-01-25 … 60
George Shepherd      ISBN:9780201407211    原作名/别名:《》
MFC Internals摘要

"This book is definitely not a rehash of existing documents. It is not a 'how-to' book--it is a 'how does it work' book." --Dean McCrory, MFC Development Lead Finally, a book on MFC that fills the gap between "Using the Wizards" Visual C++ books, product documentation and MFC source code. MFC Internals is a guide to what goes on inside the Microsoft Foundation Classes, giving y...


"This book is definitely not a rehash of existing documents. It is not a 'how-to' book--it is a 'how does it work' book." --Dean McCrory, MFC Development Lead Finally, a book on MFC that fills the gap between "Using the Wizards" Visual C++ books, product documentation and MFC source code. MFC Internals is a guide to what goes on inside the Microsoft Foundation Classes, giving you unique and in-depth information on undocumented MFC classes, utility functions and data members, useful coding techniques, and critical analysis of the way various MFC classes work and how they all fit together. The first half of the book covers core Windows graphical user interface classses and their supporting classes; the second half covers subjects like OLE that are extensions to the basic Windows support. You'll become an expert at understanding MFC implementation details by: *exploring under the hood of MFC's document/view architecture to learn about view synchronization, printing and even print preview *diving deep into undocumented aspects of MFC serialization and undocumented classes like CPreview, CPreviewDC, CMirrorFile, CDockBar, etc.*finally learning how MFC and OLE work together under the hood, and how OLE controls are implemented *building the skills that help you investigate and understand MFC source code on your own MFC Internals focuses on MFC 4. 0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Most key "internal" concepts also apply to previous versions, but where they don't, the authors warn you with a version note. The book's disk contains example code and the MFC FAQ file, and be sure to check out Appendix A, a handy MFC source code field guide. MFC Internals is an essential guide to tapping MFC's rich and robust application framework and applying advanced MFC knowledge in world-class Windows applications. 0201407213B04062001

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