Eleanor of Aquitaine, Courtly Love, and the Troubadours 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Eleanor of Aquitaine, Courtly Love, and the Troubadours读书介绍

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书籍 224页 2020 Greenwood
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USD 49.95 2020-02-20 … 2021-02-09 … 72
Fiona Swabey      ISBN:9780313325236    原作名/别名:《》
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Courtly Love, and the Troubadours摘要

Eleanor of Aquitaine lived in a remarkable age. The 12th century saw significant advances in both the intellectual and emotional spheres. Scholars explored new areas of philosophy and science and also began to reflect on relationships and what it meant to be human and an individual. For the troubadours and the writers of the new romances, who composed in vemacular language, the focus of their works was the expression of personal feelings and the image of the feminine. Women had enjoyed a significant role in society during the first millennium, but now, because of the militarization of Europe and the emergence of universities, from which women were excluded, they lost much of their influence. This created an imbalance in society and it is within this context that Eleanor's life should be reviewed. Accounts of Eleanor of Aquitaine's life provide a rare glimpse into women's lives during the medieval period, and though an admittedly extraordinary figure, we are able to draw some general conclusions about marriage and motherhood. Troubadours and courtly love, which revolved around declarations of service, devotion, and passion, expressed an emerging sense of the self. Thematic chapters address the major topics, laying them out in clear and easy-to-follow writing. Nineteen biographical sketches bring to life the topics, and 15 primary documents, including songs, letters, and poems provide a close-up glimpse of how the people of the time saw their own world. Genealogical tables, maps, chronology, and a timeline provide useful and information quickly. The book concludes with an annotated bibliography and an index.


菲奥娜·斯沃比是菲奥娜·冯·韦斯特霍芬·佩里戈里诺(ffiona von Westhoven Perigrinor)的笔名。她是老师、自由作家、评论家和播音员。菲奥娜拥有现代历史和政治科学(都柏林三一学院),女性历史、性别与社会(伦敦皇家霍洛威学院)等学位,著有《爱丽丝·德·布里耶纳:中世纪晚期一个贵族家庭的生活》(1999年)。她还持有苏黎世荣格学会颁发的资质证书,是荣格心理分析师和治疗师。

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