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书籍 304页 2020 Hyperion Books
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GBP 23.02 2020-02-20 … 2021-08-08 … 55
Roger Crowley      ISBN:9781401301910    原作名/别名:《》

A complete and compelling account of the fall of Constantinople, the siege that gave rise to today's jihad. When Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, a remarkable era in world history ended. Constantinople, the "city of the world's desire," was a wealthy, imperial, intimidating, and Christian city, influencing world opinion for a thousand years. The fall of Constantinople marked the end of the Byzantium Empire and the end of the medieval era. Thereafter, two worlds would rise -- that of the West and that of the Middle East. 1453 is brought to life by the stories of its two ambitious battling leaders-Mehmed II, sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and Constantine XI, the 57th emperor of Byzantium. It is a vivid, intense tale of courage and cruelty, of technological ingenuity, of endurance and luck. Impeccably researched and told as a real-life adventure, the book explores the issues that led up to and resulted from the fall of Constantinople in a way that is easily grasped and jumps from the pages into the headlines of world news. 1453 is the story of a moment of change that has new relevance today -- a crucial link in the chain of events that besets the modern world.


罗杰•克劳利(Roger Crowley),历史学家。他出生于英格兰,剑桥大学毕业后,曾久居伊斯坦布尔,并对土耳其的历史产生了浓厚的兴趣。他花费数年时间广泛游历了地中海世界,这使他拥有对地中海的渊博的历史和地理知识。著有“地中海史诗三部曲”《1453》《海洋帝国》和《财富之城》。


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