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Alice Adams (Library of Indiana Classics)读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 448页 2020 Indiana University Press
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 14.95 2020-02-20 … 2021-11-28 … 41
Booth Tarkington      ISBN:9780253215932    原作名/别名:《》
Alice Adams (Library of Indiana Classics)摘要

This is the story of a middle-class family living in the industrialized "midland country" at the turn of the 20th century. It is against this dingy backdrop that Alice Adams seeks to distinguish herself. She goes to a dance in a used dress, which her mother attempts to renew by changing the lining and adding some lace. She adorns herself not with orchids sent by the florist but with a bouquet of violets she has picked herself. Because her family cannot afford to equip her with the social props or "background" so needed to shine in society, Alice is forced to make do. Ultimately, her ambitions for making a successful marriage must be tempered by the realities of her situation. Alice Adams' resiliency of spirit makes her one of Tarkington's most compelling female characters.


布斯·塔金顿(Newton Booth Tarkington,1869-1946年),美国小说家及剧作家。他的第一部小说《印第安纳来的绅士》(The Gentleman fromIndiana)(1899年),描写一位乡村编辑反抗政治腐败的故事。他在三部曲《混乱》(1915年)、《伟大的安伯逊家族》(1918年;1919年获得普利策奖)以及《中部人》(1923年)中反映了社会变迁对一个中西部家庭三代人的影响。《寂寞芳心》(1921年;1922年获得普利策奖)是一部现实主义小说,讲述的是一位来自中下层家庭的浪漫女孩幻想破灭的故事。

