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Assembly Language Step-By-Step, 3rd读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 648页 7.8 2020 Wiley
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
$40.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-15 … 5
Jeff Duntemann      ISBN:9780470497029    原作名/别名:《》
Assembly Language Step-By-Step, 3rd摘要

By starting with a complete, accessible picture of the internal operations of PCs, presenting a systematic approach to the process of writing, testing, and debugging programs in assembly language, and providing how-to information for using procedures and macros, this third edition offers beginners and intermediate programmers a solid and comprehensive understanding of how to cope with the complexity of assembly programming.

In the past four or five years, Ubuntu Linux has emerged as the best-supported and most widely used Linux distro, and Linux differs from Windows in that simple “terminal apps” may easily be created in assembly. All the tutorial material in this edition has been recast for Ubuntu Linux. The NASM assembler is still available (and much improved!) and will be retained. The portable and widely used Eclipse IDE system can be used with NASM and will be used for all tutorial presentations. The gcc compiler will be used for linking and gdb for debugging. Both utilities are shipped with Ubuntu Linux and are very widely used. Linux itself is written in gcc. All software mentioned in the book is downloadable without charge from the Internet.


jeff duntemann,从事计算机相关文章和书籍的写作三十余年,主题涉及编程、无线网络和系统管理等。他曾担任过知名it杂志dr.dobb's的专栏作家,历任很多知名电脑编程杂志的编辑,在工作之余,他爱好天文和无线电,也喜欢写博客和科幻小说。

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