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Animal Spirits读书介绍

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书籍 230页 8.2 2020 Princeton University Press
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USD 16.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-15 … 70
George A. Akerlof      ISBN:9780691145921    原作名/别名:《》
Animal Spirits摘要

The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them."Animal Spirits" offers a road map for reversing the financial misfortunes besetting us today. Read it and learn how leaders can channel animal spirits--the powerful forces of human psychology that are afoot in the world economy today. In a new preface, they describe why our economic troubles may linger for some time--unless we are prepared to take further, decisive action.


乔治·阿克洛夫(George A.Akedof),1966年获美国麻省理工学院博士,现为美国伯克利加州大学经济学教授,因在分析不对称信息市场方面作出的重要贡献,于2001年获诺贝尔经济学奖。阿克洛夫的研究借鉴了社会学、心理学、人类学以及其他学科以确定经济学的影响和结果,他研究领域包括宏观经济学、贫困问题、家庭问题、犯罪、歧视、货币政策等。

罗伯特·希勒(Robert J.Shiller),1972年获得麻省理工学院经济学博士学位,现为美国耶鲁大学经济学教授。希勒在金融市场、行为经济学、宏观经济学、不动产等方面,著作颇丰。他和另一位经济学家Karl E.Case开发的Case-Shiller房价指数是衡量美国住房市场走势的主要指标。他的《终结次贷危机》、《非理性繁荣》和《金融新秩序》等著作是全球畅销书。

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