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A Philosophical History of Rights读书介绍

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书籍 362页 2020 Transaction Publishers
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USD 56.44 2020-02-20 … 2021-02-02 … 68
Gary B. Herbert      ISBN:9780765801241    原作名/别名:《》
A Philosophical History of Rights摘要

Since the seventeenth in the Western world century, concern for the welfare of the individual has been articulated philosophically most often as a concern for his rights. The modern conception of individual rights resulted from abandonment of ancient, value-laced ideas of nature and their replacement by the modern, mathematically transparent idea of nature that has room only for individuals, often in conflict. In Philosophical History of Rights, Gary B. Herbert traces the historical evolution of the concept and the transformation of the problems through which the concept is defined.The volume examines the early history of rights as they existed in ancient Greece, and locates the first philosophical inquiry into the nature of rights in Platonic and Aristotelian accounts. He traces Roman jurisprudence to the advent of Christianity, to the divine right of kings. Herbert follows the historical evolution of modern subjective rights, the attempts by Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte, and Hegel to mediate rights, to make them sociable. He then turns to nineteenth-century condemnation of rights in the theories of the historical school of law, Benthamite utilitarianism, and Marxist socialism. Following World War II, a newly revived language of rights had to be constructed, to express universal moral outrage over what came to be called crimes against humanity. The contemporary Western concern for rights is today a concern for the individual and a recognition of the limits beyond which a society must not go in sacrificing the individual's welfare for its own conception of the common good. In his conclusion, Herbert addresses the postmodern critique of rights as a form of moral imperialismlegitimizing relations of dominance and subjection.In addition to his historical analysis of the evolution of theories of rights, Herbert exposes the philosophical confusions that arise when we exchange one concept of rights for another and continue to cite historical antecedents for contemporary attitudes that are in fact their philosophical antithesis. A Philosophical History of Rights will be of interest to philosophers, historians, and political scientists.


作者 加里·B. 赫伯特(Gary B. Herbert,1941- ),1972年毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,之后任教于新奥尔良的洛约拉大学(Loyola University)哲学系,2011年退休,主要研究领域为政治哲学和哲学史,特别是权利和人权问题,长期担任《人权评论》(Human Rights Review)总编。著有《权利哲学史》、《托马斯·霍布斯:科学与道德智慧的统一》等。

译者 黄涛,华东政法大学政治学与公共管理学院副教授,北京航空航天大学管理学博士,主要从事政治哲学与法哲学研究,著有《自由、权利与共同体——德国观念论的法权演绎学说》等,译有《黑格尔的伦理思想》、《费希特和康德论自由、权利和法律》、《从德性到自由——孟德斯鸠<论法的精神>讲疏》等。

译者 王涛,华东政法大学科学研究院副研究员,中国人民大学法学博士,主要从事西方法律思想史研究...

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